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Downtown State College Launches Third Year of Military Banner Program

Military Appreciation banner in downtown State College honoring Adam C. Rawding, U.S. Air Force master sergeant, 1986-2006
Military Appreciation banner in downtown State College honoring Adam C. Rawding, U.S. Air Force master sergeant, 1986-2006

Photo courtesy Downtown State College Improvement District

Geoff Rushton

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Families and friends will once again have the opportunity to honor the military heroes in their lives with banners that will be on display in downtown State College during Military Appreciation Month in November.

The Downtown State College Improvement District on Monday launched the third year of the banner program in partnership with Penn State’s Military Appreciation Committee.

“This program was born out of a desire to express our appreciation for the individuals who have dedicated their lives to serving our nation,” Lee Anne Jeffries, DSCID executive director, said in a statement. “Through this gesture, we not only honor their service but also contribute to the invaluable support provided by the Penn State Military Student Fund scholarship program.”

Community members can purchase a personalized banner for $350 until Aug. 29. A brief form for banner details and payment information are available here.

The banner program not only offers personalized tributes to those who have served the nation, but also “supports active service members, veterans and their dependents through the Penn State Military Student Fund scholarship program,” which will receive proceeds from the purchases.

Banners will be installed on lampposts in downtown State College in late October and will be on display throughout November 2024 and November 2025. Banners will then be given to families to keep after their display is completed.

 “This is the third year Penn State’s Military Appreciation Committee has partnered with the DSCID to recognized local service members and veterans with banners in State College,” Eugene McFeely, Penn State’s Military Appreciation Committee chair, said in a statement. “The veteran banner tradition is profound and shows the community’s support of those who have sacrificed so much in service of our nation and makes me proud to be part of this community.”