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AAUW State College book donations

June 30 December 29 EDT

AAUW State College

(814) 574-2400

AAUW State College


AAUW State College welcomes book donations for their May 17-20, 2025 Used Book Sale at the Penn State Snider Ag Arena!  Deposit books in outdoor blue bins ANYTIME at their workshop off 2197 High Tech Road near the airport  During the summer, the workshop is open for in-person donations on Mondays 6-8 pm and Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9 am – 12 noon, and it will be closed Labor Day.  After Labor Day, the workshop will be open Mondays from 6-8 pm and Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 am-2:30 pm.  Visit aauwstatecollege.org for details. Your books help raise funds for local grants and scholarships.

2197 High Tech Road
State College, PA, PA 16801 United States
+ Google Map
(814) 574-2400