Home » Centre County Gazette » One on One raises over $40,000 for Centre Volunteers in Medicine and the Youth Service Bureau

One on One raises over $40,000 for Centre Volunteers in Medicine and the Youth Service Bureau

State College - cvim 2026 Sandy Drive Sign

Centre Volunteers in Medicine’s Palmer Family Clinic is located at 2026 Sandy Drive, State College.

Jessi Blanarik

STATE COLLEGE — One on One, a fitness and nutrition services business located at 424 W. Aaron Drive, State College, announced that in 2024 it raised just over $40,000 through its Give Back initiative which will be given to the Centre County Youth Service Bureau or Centre Volunteers in Medicine.
Since its inception in 2009, the Give Back initiative has raised $612,089 for the community and raised $40,109 in 2024.

“In addition to special events and direct donations from One on One, Give Back provides One on One’s clients the opportunity to pay for certain services by making a donation to one of its chosen charities, either the Youth Service Bureau or Centre Volunteers in Medicine,” a press release from One on One explained.

“I would like to thank all those who have participated in our Give Back initiative,” Bruce Burke, One on One founder, said. “We started the program to leverage our charitable giving; to spend one dollar to raise two, but it has become so much more. We have enjoyed more inspiration from our staff, clients and community than we ever could have imagined.”
Centre Volunteers in Medicine is a nonprofit organization that provides free medical, dental and case management services to uninsured residents of Centre County. Supported by volunteer health care professionals and community donations, CVIM ensures access to essential health care for individuals who might otherwise go without care.

“We are deeply grateful for One on One’s incredible generosity and commitment to the community through Give Back and other giving initiatives,” Paula Williams, Centre Volunteers in Medicine executive director, said. “This unique initiative allows us to continue providing free quality healthcare to the uninsured in Centre County. We are proud to continue our partnership with One on One and encourage other businesses to follow their example and support causes that strengthen our community.” The Centre County Youth Service Bureau is a nonprofit organization which “exists to help ensure children, youth and families have every opportunity to reach their full potential,” according to its website.

“Having the support of One on One has meant so much to us here at YSB” Christine Bishop, Centre County Youth Service Bureau CEO, said. “It has allowed us to serve young people in crisis through our shelter services, while also focusing on preventative services to support kids and families as issues first emerge. Beyond the financial support, we are grateful to know that so many people in our community value what we’re doing and want to give back. I would like to thank the Burke family for leading by example and creating opportunities for others to join them.”