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Praying for Our Nation(s)

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Joe Battista

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“…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
– Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863, Gettysburg

Well, Nittany Nation, I hope the hangover from the latest gridiron disappointment against Ohio State has started to wane. Like many of you, I was instantly harsh in my judgment of how another very winnable game against the Buckeyes went south. However, I would like to remind everyone that the sun did come up and that life will go on. I will leave it to the Monday morning quarterbacks to sort out their anguish and all come up with their ideas to fix things.

I suppose it also doesn’t matter that we went through these same feelings during previous seasons (anyone remember the running plays up the middle in the 1979 Sugar Bowl?). The bottom line: No one died, and I don’t believe anyone was seriously injured, other than a lot of bruised egos. I feel for the student-athletes, but life is full of trials and tribulations, and it will go on. Assuming that the staff  and players stick together, they can still finish 11-1 and make a run in the CFP so don’t give up the ship just yet.

As defensive end Abdul Carter posted on X after the game, “We will see them again I Promise…WE WILL BE BETTER. STAY TOGETHER!! It’s a long Season! #We Are!”

I will pray for our football staff and team to continue to work hard, learn from their mistakes and to be prepared. I will also pray for the Nittany Nation to remain supportive. I have watched the Steelers win a Super Bowl in 2006 having to win three consecutive road games and the 1979 Pirates come back from 3-1 deficits to win the World Series so try and keep the faith. Let them play the game.

But my real focus for this article is on a bigger nation, as in these United States of America. We have way bigger challenges facing us than losing a football game. Keep it in perspective folks, because we are heading into a critical time for our country, and it requires your attention more than your fantasy teams and football betting habits. So, let’s turn our attention to the 2024 elections. If only all our sports fans were as interested in their local, state and federal elections as they were in their teams.

I’m not going to try to tell you who to vote for as it’s a tad late for that. I for one am so tired of the

finger pointing and the sensationalized ads where our politicians rip each other and accuse each other of lying.

“How can you vote (Democrat/Republican)? All they do is lie.”

“Kamala is a communist!”

“Trump is a fascist!”

“Blah, blah, blah.” 

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the reality is that almost all politicians outright lie, boldly exaggerate, embellish, or spin their messages. It’s not even good sport to accuse them of lying anymore because there is so much fake news and disinformation (by both parties!) that if you dig around long enough, you will find something to build up whatever supports your narrative.

But I digress. The purpose of this column is to make a pitch to those who still have hope for our nation, that it’s time to pray.

For those of you who are believers, we are called by the Bible to respect our government leaders regardless of affiliation. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with them, but they were picked for a reason, as part of God’s will, and we are to respect them and abide by the laws of the land.

Matthew 22:21 says, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.”

I pray that the integrity to have a fair election will override any temptation to cheat the system. Let me remind everyone that voter fraud has existed in some form forever and we can’t be so naive as to think there aren’t politically motivated people, both foreign and domestic, who have very selfish interests and want to influence who wins our elections. Let’s all pray that we will have as fair an election process as possible.

I pray for the whole nation that on Wednesday, November 6, that people will remember a lesson we were taught in sports: “Win with humility, lose with grace, and do both with dignity.” We don’t need riots and destruction. We all have a duty to dissuade those who encourage such reprehensible actions regardless of the outcome. Perhaps I’m asking for a lot, but cooler heads need to prevail.

I know that there will be some readers who will take umbrage with my even bringing up prayer in a government election. Well, welcome to America, the home of the free and the brave.

I do get a bit upset that there are people out there who try to make the argument against our country being founded on Judeo-Christian principles. There are those that believe we should take God out of everything. I personally believe this is one of the main reasons (besides the disintegration of the nuclear family) that we have many of the challenges we have in this country, including mental health.

I know some of you would disagree with my beliefs and that’s OK. I respect your opinion and hope that you can respect mine. Because that’s what we are supposed do in a free society. Besides, I’m that guy that supports the Common-Sense Party that is fiscally conservative and socially responsible.You know, the party that doesn’t exist! I want politicians who work together to solve real problems.

For example, immigration is a serious issue that needs real bipartisan solutions that make sense. Democrats need to come to grips with a growing border crisis that is taxing our already overburdened resources. Republicans need to come to grips with immigration reform that allows for a more expedited process for legal immigration. Almost all of us are descendants of immigrants. It’s about having rule of order as to how you gain that citizenship that matters to me.

An acquaintance of mine, author Rex Miller, recently shared this post on LinkedIn:

“I’ve voted by absentee ballot because I’m traveling, but as a #Christ follower, I was curious

and asked the proverbial WWJD?”

“ChatGPT, how might #Jesus answer, ‘Who will you #vote for in the 2024 #presidential

#election, “#KamalaHarris or #DonaldTrump?’”

It came back with five questions and an instruction.

“What does your choice reveal about your love for your neighbor?”

“How does this choice align with your commitment to truth and humility?”

“Whom do you serve in this choice: the power of man or the love of #God?”

“Are you seeking a kingdom of this world or the Kingdom of Heaven?”

“Which choice brings you closer to loving others as yourself?”

“Let those who place their trust in earthly powers fret over kings and rulers; but as for you, seek first the Kingdom of God and rest in the justice and sovereignty of your Father in Heaven.”

Whatever choice we make, this wisdom reminds me to keep the main thing the main thing.

There are many different factions inside and outside the USA who wish to destroy this grand

experiment of government of the people, by the people and for the people. We cannot allow this to happen and must hold people accountable who try to take away the rights that have made us the greatest nation. I hope you will join me in praying for our nation that we may come together in love and peace.

Romans 13:1-2 – “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which is from God. The authorities that exist have been appointed by God. Consequently, whoever resists authority is opposing what God has set in place, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.”