Wyatt Massey of Spotlight PA State College
Penn State Made Deep Cuts to Engineering, Graduate School Amid Budget Woes
Since Penn State announced its multimillion-dollar budget deficit in 2022, the university has deeply cut the budgets to its graduate school and engineering college, a Spotlight PA analysis found.
Final Say on Penn State Campus Closures Might Not Involve the University’s Governing Board
Penn State could close up to 12 of its 20 commonwealth campuses. It’s unclear what authority the Board of Trustees has in approving the university president’s plan.
Penn State Faculty Fear the School Will Close Campuses Across the State. Officials Won’t Give Them a Straight Answer
Penn State’s commonwealth campuses enroll a more racially diverse group of people, a greater percentage of Pennsylvania residents and more first-generation college students, than its flagship at University Park.
An Average Trustees Meeting Costs Penn State $52,100, a Major Drop Compared to Recent Years
Penn State kept its pledge to reduce the meeting costs of its 36-member board, but each gathering still totals tens of thousands of dollars.
Penn State Trustees Pass Almost 85% of Measures Without a Single Dissenting Vote
When Penn State University’s administration brings a proposal to its governing board, the item is all but assured to pass, a Spotlight PA analysis found.
Penn State Trustees Rarely Discuss Key Issues Before Voting — Unless They’re Related to Athletics or Rules for Members
Some items before the Penn State Board of Trustees — such as the $9.9 billion budget or building projects — often pass with no or limited discussion, a Spotlight PA analysis found.
Secretive Group of Penn State Trustees Meet in Public for First Time Since 2011
Penn State didn’t say why the board’s executive committee was now meeting in public after arguing the group’s work could legally be done in private.
As Penn State Board Tries to Remove Alumni-Elected Trustee With Lawsuit Against the University, Another Sues
Trustee Anthony Lubrano says Penn State is investigating him for proposing “Paterno Field at Beaver Stadium.” The university may also remove Barry Fenchak from its board.
Penn State Will Likely Take on Up to $700M in Debt for Beaver Stadium Upgrades. How Will It Pay It Back?
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With bonds, Penn State is likely to take on the debt necessary to fund the football stadium project. But the athletics department will ultimately be responsible for paying back the loans.
Penn State Trustee Sues University for Keeping Critical Financial Records from Him
Trustee Barry Fenchak alleges that Penn State leaders have prevented him from reviewing information about the university’s endowment, which he said is indicative of larger problems on the board.